วัดแก๊สในอุตสาหกรรม Electronics Semiconductor

วัดแก๊สในอุตสาหกรรม Electronics Semiconductor

Electronics - semiconductor gases measurement in ppb level
It is well known in the semiconductor industry that measuring part per billion of permanent gases in ultra high purity gases as Helium, Argon, Oxygen, Nitrogen and Hydrogen is required. Such measurement ensures quality of the product. The Application Notes 16-03 - showing the use of MicroGC MultiDetek2 in the electronic gases & semiconductor industry.

The measurement in ppb level of Hydrogen (H2),  Non-Methane Hydrocarbons (NMHC), Methane (CH4), Nitrogen (N2), Carbon Dioxide (CO2), Carbon Monoxide (CO). The specific configuration of the plasma detector that was used, allows a selective and sensitive detection of the desired impurities and blocks the undesired interference gases. Last years' long-term work on the new patented plasma technology used for low ppb detection gives the ability to detect single-digit ppb down to 0.100ppb. It offers the possibility of measuring the complete gas matrix all in one compact industrial GC chassis without the use of any traps as commonly installed by other GC in the market.

ตารางด้านล่างคือค่าต่ำสุด ละเอียดสุดที่วัดได้ และช่วงการวัดที่เครื่องสามารถวัดได้คลอบคลุม โดยยังคงความแม่นยำเดิม

Helium  0-500ppb  0.350ppb  0.400ppb  0.300ppb  0.100ppb  0.300pb  0.300ppb
Argon  0-500ppb  0.350ppb  0.400ppb  0.300ppb  0.100ppb  0.300pb  0.300ppb
Oxygen  0-500ppb  0.350ppb  0.550ppb  0.400ppb  0.200ppb  0.400pb  0.400ppb
Hydrogen 0-500ppb  x  0.400ppb  0.400ppb  0.200ppb  0.400pb  0.400ppb
Nitrogen 0-500ppb  0.350ppb  0.400ppb  0.400ppb  x  0.400pb  0.400ppb
