MDR vs. ODR: Understanding the Differences -MDRต่างจากODRยังไง

MDR (Moving Die Rheometer)

  • ใช้การเคลื่อนไหวแบบลูกสูบในการกดตัวอย่างยาง
  • ให้ค่าแรงบิดสูงกว่า ODR
  • อุณหภูมิกลับสู่สภาวะปกติได้เร็วกว่า
  • เหมาะสำหรับยางที่มีสารเติมแต่งสูง

ODR (Oscillating Disc Rheometer)

  • ใช้การเคลื่อนไหวแบบแกว่งในการกดตัวอย่างยาง
  • ให้ค่าแรงบิดต่ำกว่า MDR
  • ควบคุมอุณหภูมิได้ดีกว่า
  • เหมาะสำหรับยางที่มีสารเติมแต่งน้อย


MDR and ODR are acronyms for two primary types of rubber testing instruments used to characterize the vulcanization behavior of rubber compounds.

MDR: Moving Die Rheometer

  • Uses a reciprocating motion of the die to apply shear strain to the rubber sample.
  • Typically provides higher torque values compared to ODR.
  • Offers faster temperature recovery time, allowing for quicker testing cycles.
  • Commonly used for compounds with high filler content or those that exhibit significant processing characteristics.

ODR: Oscillating Disc Rheometer

  • Employs an oscillating disc to induce shear strain in the rubber sample.
  • Generally provides lower torque values compared to MDR.
  • Offers better temperature control and stability.
  • Often preferred for compounds with lower filler content and those requiring precise
  • measurements of viscoelastic properties.




Key Differences

Feature MDR ODR
Die movement Reciprocating Oscillating
Torque values Higher Lower
Temperature recovery Faster Slower
Filler content suitability High Low
Viscoelastic properties Less precise More precise

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When to Use Which

  • MDR: Ideal for compounds with high filler content, requiring faster testing cycles, or those exhibiting significant processing characteristics.
  • ODR: Suitable for compounds with lower filler content, requiring precise measurements of viscoelastic properties, or when temperature control is critical.

Both MDR and ODR provide valuable insights into the curing behavior of rubber compounds. In many cases, they complement each other, offering a comprehensive understanding of the material’s properties.



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