ระบบควบคุมถุงกรองฝุ่น Baghouse Control

Baghouse Control Systems

ระบบตรวจสอบ และควบคุมการทำงานถุงกรองฝุ่น bag filter ให้มีประสิทธิภาพ ลดต้นทุน ครบครันด้วยโซลูชันการปฏิบัติตามข้อกำหนด Baghouse

Baghouse controls systems increase efficiency, decrease operating costs, and provide complete compliance solutions

Actionable Diagnostics to Reduce Maintenance Time and Eliminate Unplanned Downtime

B-PAC Actionable Diagnostics to Eliminate Excessive Maintenance Costs. Using baghouse diagnostics, plant operators are able to:

Locate failing filter media by compartment and row often weeks before emission levels become reportable. Avoid plugged filters and multiple failures by quickly detecting and locating shorted and open solenoids

Detect and locate frozen/ruptured pulse diaphragms - avoiding excessive compressed air usage and minimizing the chance of blinded filters

Using the predictive monitoring capabilities of baghouse control systems (such as EPA self-checks, intelligent diagnostics, and process alarms) allows organizations to automatically be notified at the first sign of impending failures well before an issue becomes critical. This allows the organization to plan maintenance and repairs at a time when it is convenient for them.  Cut Back on Compressed Air Usage and Extend Filter Media Life

Intelligent cleaning systems allow plant operators to adjust the cleaning cycles of their baghouse automatically based on differential pressure, allowing companies to:

    Only clean when the baghouse is outside of the designated differential pressure - no longer requiring continuous or timed cleaning cycles
    Increase filter media life by up to 60% by only cleaning when necessary
    Reduce compressed air usage by up to 40%  by only cleaning when necessary

When compared to basic timer boards or traditional cleaning methods, intelligent cleaning systems ensure that cleaning only takes place when there is a need - avoiding unnecessary wear on filter media and excessive compressed air usage.
Move Beyond Emissions Compliance

TRIBO_dsp_U3400.jpgParticulate monitoring has been replacing opacity meters and visual emissions inspections as a preferred method of complying with EPA regulations because of the increased sensitivity that triboelectric monitoring offers over emissions monitoring methods.

Incorporating particulate monitoring into a baghouse control system allows plants to:

    Detect impending filter leaks at the first sign of filter media wear
    Trigger both early warning and critical alarms to notify the facility of an impending filter failure before it becomes a reportable event
    Help extend the life of filter media by knowing when replacements are necessary not just when they are recommended